Fotowettbewerb «La Dolce Vita»

Yes! I’m the 5th/6th winner of the «La Dolce Vita» photo competition, which was held to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Dählhölzli Zoo, Bern. I got a one year Family subscription to the zoo worth CHF 130 as the prize. This is the picture which won:


English translation:

Together with the Dählhölzli Zoo, the «Magazin bärn!» launched a photo competition with  “La Dolce Vita” theme. Our readers submitted 448 images – no easy task for the jury.

The primary evaluation criteria was – along with the quality of the picture – of course
the proximity to the given theme “La Dolce Vita”. Due to this, unfortunately there are quite a few of beautiful animal photographs should be rejected during the evaluation. The jury agree the winners are as follows:

First Price: Wim Etter, Bern
An overnight stay at the Hotel Bellevue Palace Bern with breakfast buffet.

Second Price: Thomas Ülrich, Bern
A shopping voucher worth CHF 500 from Foto Video Zumstein.

Third Price: René Marti Safnern
A photography course from Foto Video Zumstein worth CHF 200.

Simon Fuchs Schöftland wins a Bern City gift card redeemable in about
150 shops and restaurants in the inner city of Bern.

Karin Lüthi, Bern, and Heru Fathurohman, Zollikofen each win
“Family” annual subscription ticket Dählhölzli Zoo worth CHF 130.

Anja Perren, Max Nydegger, Bern, René Marti, Safnern, and Albert Andrist
Worblaufen each win one-year “Adults” subscription worth CHF 70.

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